Social Media Toolkit

This toolkit helps the public, partners, content creators, communicators and media promote the 2024 NATO Youth Summit to youth audiences globally. To find out more about the event and its program, access the event website. Registered participants have access to interactive online sessions and to a variety of tools, such as quizzes, polls, games, Q&A and more.

Join in the conversation during the 2024 NATO Youth Summit using the following images and suggested posts on your social media accounts. Don’t forget to tag @NATO, @TheAspenInstitute, @AspenInstituteRomania, @Försvarshögskolan and @MSBse across social media channels.

Spread the word! Include the online registration link ( and #NATOYouthSummit with your image so that others know how to participate in the discussion.

Generic visuals



Video Format 16:9

Video Format 1:1

Video Format 9:16

Social Pages

Aspen Institute

Aspen Institute Romania

Swedish Defence University

The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency



@nato @the-aspen-institute @aspen-institute-romania @forsvarshogskolan @MSB (Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency)


@nato @aspeninstitute @aspeninstituteromania @forsvarshogskolan


@NATO @AspenInstitute @aspen_romania @Forsvarshogsk @MSBse


@NATO @AspenInstitute @AspenInstituteRomania @forsvarshogskolan @MSBse


Event Pictures

Pictures from the event will be available to download from here.

Post Suggestions

Before the Event
  • Registration is open to attend the 2024 #NATOYouthSummit online. Organized by @NATO, @TheAspenInstitute, @AspenInstituteRomania @Försvarshögskolan and @MSBse the summit explores topics including disinformation, climate change, emerging technologies and national defense.
  • The 2024 NATO Youth Summit: Shaping your tomorrow will gather emerging leaders to discuss disinformation, new technologies and national defense. Join the transatlantic conversation May 13.
  • Excited to be part of the #NATOYouthSummit, where youth voices will unite to address pressing global challenges. Register now for the virtual event on May 13 to hear from youth voices on today’s security challenges: #GlobalDialogue @NATO @Aspen Institute @Aspen Institute Romania @Swedish Defence University @Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
  • Thrilled to announce my participation in the 2024 #NATOYouthSummit, where youth from across the globe will converge to discuss critical global issues. Register now to join us virtually on May 13th to shape a brighter future: @NATO @Aspen Institute @Aspen Institute Romania @Swedish Defence University @Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
  • Thrilled to be attending the #NATOYouthSummit on May 13! Let’s amplify youth voices and engagement on security topics together! 🗣️Register now for the virtual event: @NATO @Aspen Institute @Aspen Institute Romania @Swedish Defence University @Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
  • Thrilled to be participating in the #NATOYouthSummit, where youth voices are driving change on the global stage. Looking forward to engaging discussions and collaborative action! @NATO @Aspen Institute @Aspen Institute Romania @Swedish Defence University @Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
On May 13
  • The 2024 #NATOYouthSummit, organized by NATO, The Aspen Institute, Aspen Institute Romania, Swedish Defence University and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, is bringing together leaders from around the world to explore the issues they see as critical to global security.
  • Happening Now: the 2024 #NATOYouthSummit is gathering the leaders of tomorrow to explore pressing issues of global security.
  • Join the conversation – the 2024 NATO Youth Summit: Shaping your tomorrow is happening now!