Organise a Watch Party

About 2024 NATO Youth Summit

This year, the 2024 NATO Youth Summit is scheduled for May 13, 2024, and it will take place in Stockholm (Sweden) and in Miami (Florida). The event is the main galvanizing platform for young people aged 18-35 from across the NATO Alliance and Partner nations. Co-organized by The Aspen Institute, Aspen Institute Romania, the Swedish Defence University and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency, the Summit is designed to cultivate profound understanding, elevate knowledge, and foster active participation among young voices in addressing the critical issues that shape our shared security and peace landscape.

Organise a Watch Party for 2024 NATO Youth Summit

  • Watch Parties are self-organised informal events taking place during the NATO Youth Summit in different locations across NATO member countries, in collaboration with The Aspen Institute, Aspen Institute Romania, the Swedish Defence University and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency. We encourage organisations interested to organise a watch party, to reach out by filling-in the attached form.

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